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Collaborative Work enviroments

PDS Team | Fri May 12 2023 | News

Digital work within organizations has evolved to become an interconnected network of team members who collaborate to deliver business outcomes. Modern project management tools have also undergone significant transformations to promote collaboration and transparency in project execution.

In a collaborative work environment, it is essential that all team members have access to the complete project plan, are aware of their assigned tasks, and their dependencies. This concept of interdependencies encourages team members to work together, leading to enterprise agility and reduced delivery times.

To support collaborative work management and project and portfolio management in general, Microsoft has introduced Project for the Web - a new, reimagined Microsoft Project planning and tracking experience directly within Microsoft Office. To address specific Project Portfolio Management requirements, Microsoft offers a low-code/no-code Project Power App with a PMO Accelerator. This app allows any business function or Project Management Office to build their individual Project Portfolio Management business solution. The platform enables PMOs to manage all data related to projects, programs, resources, issues, and risks from a central location.


Collaborative work environments empower team members to work more closely together, resulting in a digital experience that increases the flow of project information throughout the organization. This collaboration leads to greater agility and faster completion of deliverables.


As the need to move project data and provision more collaborative work Dataverse environments increases, the requirements for technology tools and utilities to facilitate such tasks also increase. Project Data Suite offers an innovative solution that helps eliminate repetitive and complex administrative tasks such as creating and provisioning the Dataverse environments, and migrating and copying projects to their dedicated spaces.

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In today's organizations, anyone can assume the role of a project manager with access to digital project management tools. Project for the Web and the Project Accelerator enable greater collaboration and execution of strategy. With solutions like Project Data Suite, the benefits of deploying and managing digital project and portfolio management throughout the organization are realized.